Luckily most of my decisions about major and job thus far have been both effective in reducing income risk while also feeling like good decisions here and now. I was accepted to UIUC into the Pre Engineering track. I wanted to be a computer science major because I had enjoyed all of the programming classes I took in high school. After a disastrous and stressful first year, I embraced the idea of being an economics major. This decision definitely did decrease my right out of college future earning potential, but it was one that had to be made. Luckily I am happy with the choice, and I believe that it is low enough risk to not be very worried about the future. Now, as an Economics major, I have been involving myself in data science research and extracurricular activities. These are both a good decision looking forward because it is easier to sell myself to recruiters, but they also are good decisions now because I enjoy both the work and activities. I involve myself in a few other ex...